BetterEmbed & Embed Templates

BetterEmbed is a class from the discord.js-better-embed library that I've made, you can see the code here.





Check the size of the Embed fields and return the ones that are too long. You can also specify a field to check. (In advanced-command-handler before version 3.0, it returns an error if one field is too long.)


Check the size of the Embed fields and cut the fields that are too long. You can also specify a field to check and cut if it has to.


Set the image of the embed using a local file path.


Set the thumbnail of the embed using a local file path.


Check the size of the Embed fields and throw an error if any is too long. You can also specify a field to check.

This is a class for creating an Embed Object, but a bit simpler like this :

// MessageEmbed:
const {MessageEmbed} = require('discord.js');
const embed = new MessageEmbed();
embed.setAuthor('name', 'icon_url');
embed.setFooter(client.user.username, client.user.displayAvatarURL());

// Cutting the text if too long:
embed.setDescription(embed.description.slice(0, 2048));

// BetterEmbed:
const {BetterEmbed} = require('advanced-command-handler');
const embed = BetterEmbed.fromTemplate('basic', {
embed.setAuthor('name', 'icon_url');


Using templates

Templates are a good way of automating and simplifying your code. You can use them like this:

const {BetterEmbed, templates} = require('advanced-command-handler');
templates.funny = {
    title: '${client.user.username} says that you are funny !',
    ...templates.color, // Adding the default 'color' template

const embed = BetterEmbed.fromTemplate('funny', {client: message.client});;

This can simplify your embeds declarations and let you have more automation. Like if you use the color templates in your templates, if you change the template, every embed will have a different color without changing anything to them! So feel free to add as many templates as you need.

Default templates

const templates = {
    basic: {
        footer: {
            text: '${client.user.username}',
            iconURL: '${client.user.displayAvatarURL()}',
        timestamp: new Date(),
    color: {
        color: '#4b5afd',
    get complete() {
        return {
            ...this.basic, // includes the 'basic' template
            ...this.color, // includes the 'color' template
            title: '${title}',
            description: '${description}',
    get image() {
        return {
            ...this.complete, // includes the 'complete' template
            image: {
                url: '${image}',

You can overwrite default templates but these are used in the advanced-command-handler module so it could break things if you change them completely.

You can for example change the color property of the color template without any issue.

Last updated