
Commands are the principal objects of this library, you can see here how to create a command and the default values of each options :

const {Command} = require('advanced-command-handler');

module.exports = class ExampleCommand extends Command {
    name = '';
    aliases = [];
    category = '';
    description = '';
    usage = '';
    cooldown = 0;
    tags = [];
    channels = [];
    clientPermissions = [];
    userPermissions = [];

    async run(ctx) {
        // your code goes here


And you can see a "complete" example of what a command could look like :

const {Command, getThing, Tag} = require('advanced-command-handler');

module.exports = class KickCommand extends Command {
    name = 'kick';
    aliases = ['k', 'eject'];
    description = 'Kicks the person you want.';
    usage = 'kick <user> [reason]';
    cooldown = 10;
    tags = [Tag.guildOnly];
    clientPermissions =  ['KICK_MEMBERS'];
    userPermissions = ['KICK_MEMBERS'];
    async run(ctx) {
        const member = await getThing('member', ctx.args[0]);
        if (member) member.kick(ctx.args.slice(1).join(' '));

You have to put the command into a category folder into your commands folder like in the examples & tests. This will also automatically set the category property of the command. And this is why the property is not defined in this example.

Important Notes

Do not use the run(ctx) command if you use a custom message event, use instead the execute(ctx) method because it will return the result of the validate(ctx) method that returns an error in multiple cases

Errors from validation


The data it returns

When the user is still in a cooldown.

The remaining time to wait for the user.

When the command has a list of channel and is not executed in one.


When the client is missing permissions defined for the command.

The missing permissions in a sorted array.

When the user is missing permissions defined for the command.

The missing permissions in a sorted array.

When the tags are not all satisfied.

The tags not satisfied.

This is returned in an object containing the error message, the error type (from an enum) and the data.

Last updated